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Current temperature in berlin

Average Weather in Berlin, Germany, Year Round

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However, some of the city's most vibrant events take place in the autumn. Next Topic: Weather Topic: What are Cirrostratus Clouds?

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Weather - Low clouds and fog are difficult to distinguish from ground temperatures and might therefore be inaccurate.

Today's weather is turning out to be partly cloudy. The visibility is going to be around 20 km i. The daytime temperature is going to reach 2 °c and the temperature is going to dip to -5 °c at night. It will be dry with no precipitation and cloud covering 6% of the sky, the humidity will be around 69%. Tomorrow weather is forecasted to be partly cloudy. The visibility is going to be around 20 km i. The daytime temperature is going to reach 1 °c and the temperature is going to dip to -2 °c at night. It will be dry with no precipitation and cloud covering 11% of the sky, the humidity will be around 64%. On Tuesday weather will be partly cloudy with daytime temperature reaching 1 °c. Night time temperature are expected to be -2 °c. It will be dry with no precipitation. The visibility is going to be around 20 km i. It will be dry with no precipitation and cloud covering 16% of the sky, the humidity will be around 59%. Wednesday seems to be patchy moderate snow. Berlin, Germany visibility is going to be around 19 km i. The daytime temperature is going to reach -1 °c and the temperature is going to dip to -1 °c at night. It will be mostly dry with little or no precipitation and cloud covering 59% of the sky, the humidity will be around 61%. Heavy snow will be the weather pattern for the Thursday. The visibility is going to be around 16 km i. The daytime temperature is going to reach -1 °c and the temperature is going to dip to -2 °c at night. The national weather service for Berlin, Germany is reporting Thursday 24 th January to be the wettest day in the coming week with around 1. Make sure to carry an umbrella if you are out and about in Berlin, Germany. The windiest of all days will be Friday 25 th January as wind will reach 10mph or 15kmph at around 1 pm. As the city awakens from winter, the leafy squares spring to life with people in the bustling cafes and shops, and the many parks and lakes around Berlin start to regain the greenery and colours. March can still be rather cold in Berlin, with temperatures struggling up to current temperature in berlin 4°C, so take sweaters and a good coat. By May, however, temperatures have recovered and have a daily mean of 14°C. There are rainy days, and grey, overcast days, but there are also days with beautifully crisp and clear air. Berlin in the Summer Berlin's summer weather is pleasantly warm, but rarely hot. Temperatures average out at around 20-24°C, and rarely climb higher than 25°C. You can still expect some rainy days, though, so don't visit Berlin without a waterproof jacket or an umbrella. During the summer, the city is alive with events, festivals and shows. You can chill out on one of the many man-made beaches along the river Spree, or spend a balmy evening in one of the city's beer gardens. If you're up to travelling a little further afield, the lakes around Berlin are gorgeous at this time of the year. Within the city centre itself, the Tiergarten comes to life, or you could enjoy open air films under the stars. Berlin in the Autumn Berlin's many green areas are at their most awe-inspiring as the autumn colours weave their magic on the city. Temperatures in September, October and November tend to drop quickly, going from around 14°C in September down to 4°C in November, and as winter approaches, the wetter weather closes in too. However, some of the city's most vibrant events take place in the autumn. In October, two different light festivals turn the city into an enchanting wonderland in the dark, with beautiful displays and special events. Berlin in the Winter Berlin is not as cold in the winter as you might think, but there's no denying that you'll need some winter clothing. In December, January and February, the temperature hovers close to freezing but there's not much variation in daytime and night temperatures, so at least it doesn't get any worse at night. It snows quite often, but only enough to give a covering of snow which soon vanishes again - but while it lasts, it refreshes the city's sometimes uninspiring architecture. With more than 60 Christmas markets and a fantastic range of indoor festivals and cultural events on offer over the winter months, a winter visit to Berlin should not be discounted. About Berlin Berlin, Germany's capital city, is well known for its festivals, cultural events and contemporary arts, and it's a popular destination for a city break at any time of the year. Find out more about or view more. The city has become known for its prestige as the German capital, its internationally diverse community, its nightlife, its museums, and its cutting-edge current temperature in berlin. Popular sights in Berlin vary according to the traveller's tastes but it is undeniable that the city offers something for everyone. From the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe to the Berlin Zoo, which houses the largest variety of species in the world, the possibilities in the city are without end. Although historical sights and war memorial museums are a large part of Berlin's intrigue, the city's growing modern art and music scenes are also prominent in daily life. The Berlin Film Festival has grown in global recognition as one of the premier film festivals in the world. Nightlife in Berlin, mostly in the form of underground clubs, is known for being one of the most progressive and hip in Europe. Berlin has a somewhat undeserved reputation for being icy cold in the winter - however, even when the mercury drops, there is current temperature in berlin plenty for visitors to see and do in this cultural centre. Although the city is tolerable weather wise year round, it is advisable to avoid visits during the dead of winter, December through January. During the winter, the city's beautiful skyline becomes overcast and icy streets can become current temperature in berlin and hazardous. Summer June through August marks the peak of Berlin's festival season, making it a great time for art, music, and food lovers to sight see. What to pack for Berlin. Frequent participation is common year round in Berlin. Visitors should carry an umbrella or rain gear to avoid getting caught in an unexpected shower. Aside from scattered showers, weather in Berlin is relatively predictable. The cold season December to February requires warm jackets, hats, and gloves. Warmer months June to August will current temperature in berlin only a light jacket in the evenings. Berlin weather does not typically boast extremes in highs and lows seasonally. Please also visit Berlinand pages. Historical or past weather forecast page provides historical weather forecast from 1 st July, 2008 till now in 3 hourly interval. Text weather page will allow you to get a weather text summary for next 14 days and weather chart page displays weather pattern like temperature, wind speed, gust, pressure, etc. We hope you like it. If anything is not correct on our website or you have any feedbacks or queries then please do. We are waiting for your valuable feedbacks.

Weather in Berlin 18.01.2018
They are often the first sign of an approaching storm. This animation shows the precipitation radar for the last hour, as well as a 2h forecast. Thanks for visiting and we hope you'll bookmark our site and return again! The hottest day of the year is August 5, with an average high of 77°F and low of 59°F. The average hourly wind speed in Berlin experiences significant seasonal variation over the course of the year. Temperatures average out at around 20-24°C, and rarely climb higher than 25°C. March can still be rather cold in Berlin, with temperatures struggling up to around 4°C, so take sweaters and a good coat.

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